Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bows, Bows, Bows

Two posts in one night...gotta be a record for this girl but I just couldn't wait to post this cutie little project. Once again, I'm thrilled that I have friends who are having little girls so I can make fun things for them!

My friend who is expecting in September recently had a baby shower and received over 30 bows!!! That's gonna be one cute little head. :) Anyway, she definitely needed a place to store all of those bows so I got to work.

Here's the bow holder. Sorry the picture's not a little brighter. This was super simple. I bought the plaque and letters at Hobby Lobby and painted them to match sweet Ryleigh's room. Then attached the green ribbon and added some little bows at the bottom so the ends looked finished and so the bows don't slide off.

I also got to practice my bow making skills with the leftover ribbon from my signs. I'm still working on the technique for those so they're not perfect. But they'll still be cute on those sweet little girls. Can't wait to meet them!


  1. So cute! Will you make me one for the future daughter? ;)I love checking in on the blog and seeing new, fun, crafty things you are making!

  2. You are too cute!! I love all of your projects! Where on earth do you find the time?! You're amazing.

  3. Such a cute idea I'll have to pass it on to my friend with a baby girl! She will love it!

  4. Dara! Long time no see sweet girl! I make baby bows too!! xo I love the bloggy reconnects ;)
