Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Front Door Wreaths

I've really had an obsession with wreaths lately. Luckily, a few friends have bought houses so I've had more people to make wreaths for than just myself. Here are some front door wreaths I made for them as well as myself.

All I did to make these wreaths was wire the flowers through the vines and then hot glue the painted letters directly on the wreath. If you'd like one for your home just let me know. The price will vary depending on the flowers you would like. I love to make things and I really am running out of places to hang things around here. :)

Editor's Note-July 13, 2012: I can't even begin to explain how much it thrills me that so many people have looked at this post and how many people have pinned it to Pinterest. However, I am very disheartened by the fact that many people are not finding the original links when pinning or posting others' ideas to their own blog. I love that other people have found inspiration and are making their own wreaths-that is why I joined and love the blogging community. However, it is important for all of us to link back to others when we find inspiration for our own projects. So, if you're pinning from or plan on blogging something you were inspired from on the internet, PLEASE link back to the original. We all deserve that respect.

Ok, now that that's over, I just want to post a few answers to some of the questions in the comments section. Many of you have asked where I got the numbers. The answer to that is unfortunately bad news...I used to get these numbers at Michael's but they no longer carry them. I am looking online for a retailer with similar sized numbers since I can't buy them locally anymore. The other question I receive is how much does one cost? I charge $50 plus shipping. I am currently not taking orders though because I can't find the numbers. I am also trying to find a wholesale shop to get supplies so that I don't have to charge as much. As soon as I get one of both of those things worked out I plan to develop an Etsy shop and begin selling from there. So, please be patient with me and I will post that as soon as possible.

Thanks to ALL of you for reading, pinning, and making your own wreaths!


  1. You are too cute! :) I love the bottom one. Maybe I should try making one for my house. I love you lots!!

  2. Dara--I'm looking forward to making a wreath this weekend inspired after yours! Congrats on YOUR house!

  3. Just finished my wreath! I love it so much! Makes me smile before I even walk in the door. Thank you! Here's a link to it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. how can i buy one?!?? I'm obsessed!

  6. This is so adorable! I have an empty wreath sitting at home begging me to do this! What a great housewarming gift as well! Love the blog and the great ideas!

  7. Where do you buy your flowers from - the white ones on the 3104 wreath are gorgeous! I love that wreath. Could you email me? cltcitygirl@yahoo.com

  8. I love the first one, it's gorgeous (the all our)! I hope you don't mind if I copy you!

  9. Great idea with the house numbers! Gorgeous! I'm a new blogger & can't believe all the craft stuff on blogs! :) Glad I found your site! Click over when you have a chance...Visting from tip junkie!

  10. I LOVE THIS! I made my parents one for fall for grandparents day tomorrow. I think they will love it too! Heres a link to my wreath.

  11. I would LOVE A QUOTE ON THE TOP one? lcymll@my.tupperware.com thanks!
    thanks! Lacey

  12. I would love to get the top one too. My email is kvaught_80@yahoo.com. It's gorgeous!

  13. i want the top one too!! lindz_shelly@yahoo.com

  14. where did you purchase the base twig wreath from?

  15. These are beautiful. I'd like a quote! Please :)


  16. Love them! I'd like a quote please. Hpfannes@gmail.com

  17. Such a cute idea! I'd like a quote too for the top one. Amber.lynn.nelson@gmail.com

  18. I would love a quote for the top one as well, with white and blue flowers. My e-mail is conniegarlick@gmail.com. I am a teacher as well. Thank you so much! I look forward to hearing from you!

  19. I would love the top one! Can you give me a quote? My email is mollybellew@gmail.com Thanks!

  20. I love the top one as well. Can u send me a quote too? amyeddy716@gmail.com. Thanks!!

  21. I love love love the top wreath, could you send me a quote? sashaamina@gmail.com. Thank you!

  22. Do you have a tutorial?

  23. Hi, can you please send me a quote for the first wreath? thank you! sixa@duq.edu

  24. Could you send me a quote for the first wreath as well?? lauren.44@hotmail.com

  25. I would love one of these! Do you sell them?

  26. I just added some information on the sidebar for this wreath. The cost is $45 plus shipping. I can change it to any color or flower that you would like. Please email me if you are interested in purchasing.

  27. To answer a few more questions...

    I purchase the twig grapevine wreath at either Hobby Lobby or Michael's.

    I'm sorry, but I do not have tutorial for this wreath. However, all I do is use floral wire to attach the flowers and bow, paint wooden numbers (from Michael's) and hot glue them on the wreath.

    1. They are beautiful, im trying to make the first one,i just have to learn how to do a bow.thank you so much

  28. Hi! I absolutely love the wreath with white flowers and the blue numbers with the blue ribbon. I would love to purchase this one from you (different numbers of course), but when I went to click on your email, nothing showed up. so I would love if you could send it to me or send me a quote for one to my email. jocksoccer1515@hotmail.com and my name is Jenna.

  29. Hi there! I love these- so beautiful. I love the flowers on the top wreath-what are they? Or are they silk flowers?

  30. The flowers are silk. I bought them at Hobby Lobby.

  31. Thank you! I love your blog!

  32. I absolutely fell in love with the first wreath! Seriously, I have wreath envy.. I did my own version on my blog I'd Pin That, but I'm not quite sure it matches up to yours! You should check it out!



  33. I love this!! What size wreath did you use?

  34. I LOVE your wreaths! I want to purchase one, since im so not crafty yet love crafty homemade stuff! Do you have an ETSY shop??


  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Hey I love this idea and am interested in ordering one. Could you email me my email is Patrice@lions.molloy.edu


  37. Hi I'm interested in ordering a wreath similar to the 3rd one! My email is justine.turcotte@gmail.com - Thanks!

  38. I love your wreaths. I never thought to put an address on a wreath. You can't see my address at night, so putting an address on a wreath that is right under our porch light would be perfect. Thanks for the inspiration!

  39. Can I ask where you bought the numbers from? I am making one of these wreaths and love the number idea, but I cant seem to find small enough sizes for the wreath. All are like 6". Thanks

  40. I am interested in purchasing the first wreath! Can you email me at mkhamilton88@gmail.com?

  41. Hi! I am interested in purchasing one of your front door wreaths! They are too cute! Email: jlanae03@gmail.com. Thanks!

  42. Hi! I would love to purchase the first wreath (3104)! Please let me know if it's available. My email is katie.ferentz@gmail.com. Thanks so much!

  43. Hi, I would love to purchase the first wreath. Please let me know if it's available or if I could special order. My name is Tara and my email is tlbroich@yahoo.com. I am a teacher too, just not talented like you! Thank you sooo much!

  44. Hi
    How much would the 3rd wreath with the green/purple flowers with 2 house numbers be? My email is beth_desimone@hotmail.com

  45. Hi Dara! I'd love to purchase the top wreath. Would you please email me? court.boyd@gmail.com

  46. HELLO I'am interested in the 2nd wreath the yellow.I think it does look a little smaller then the 1st one. How much would you change for that one. I will give you my address number, my email is lauracicco@ymail.com Thanks alot


  47. Where to you buy the twig wreath?

  48. Please email me purchasing details @ loujuna69@aol.com


  49. I also would like the purchasing information, My email is nbeasley21@yahoo.com

  50. Can you tell me how much the top wreath would be?!

  51. Hi! Love these! How much for the top wreath??
    My e-mail is Sully906@aol.com

  52. Hello,

    Could you tell me how much the top wreath would cost? Instead of doing the numbers.. would it be possible to do a "C" instead? Please e-mail me at JaimeLCole@gmail.com


  53. After I pinned this to save for later...the time has come and I took a little trip to Hobby Lobby (my favorite store) and found all of the stuff to make this wreath (the one at the top). I'm so excited to make it and can't wait to see how it turns out! If I do a good job, I'm planning on making a few for some friends and family as the holidays aproach! woohoo!

  54. I completely fell in love with the top one when I saw it. You're so beautifully talented. I'd love it without the numbers. Is that possible sooner than later? My email is jusbhpy@gmail.com. I'm Angie:)

  55. Did you look at a hardware store for the numbers?

  56. I tried to make this wreath, I hot glued the silk flowers on and I got the metal house numbers at wal mart, but I cant get them to stick! How the heck am I supposed to glue those things on there and get them to stay? Any advice would be soo appreciated, I am totally not crafty but I'm attempting to make this as a Christmas gift. Thanks!!

    1. Susan, try wooden numbers. I made mine that way.

    2. Susan,

      As Elizabeth said, if you can find wooden numbers they will probably glue better although I have found that if you get a lot of sun on the door with the wreath they will melt off. :( I have started using floral wire to attach everything including the numbers. If you can find a very small wire you won't notice it. You can try to glue the wire or wrap it around the number. (I'm pretty most metal numbers have holes for screws too.) If you find wooden numbers I have found that putting a staple (from small staple gun) in the number so that it sticks out makes a good place to thread floral wire through. Hope this helps!

  57. I can't find wooden numbers anywhere =( Not hobby lobby, Lowe's, or Walmart. Sad, sad day.

  58. Thank you so much for the advice!! I think I'll try the wire. My numbers do have little holes for screws in them. Thanks so much!

  59. I can make wood letters. You can email me at paula@chartreusemoon.com.

  60. This website does wooden letters in custom sizes and fonts:


    These wreaths are really fantastic!

  61. I love the first one! It's so pretty and it has such a nice colour!

  62. I can't wait to make this wreath as soon as I get a house of my own! I have featured it in a Spring Wreath Pinterest Round Up on my blog! http://www.thelovenerds.com/2013/03/spring-wreaths-weekend-pinterest-round.html

    Maggie @ thelovenerds.com

  63. I love the first wreath, the blue is soo pretty! Can you tell me what color you used on the numbers and the ribbon color? Thank you!!

  64. I love the first one as well! Do you think you could give me a quote for how much something like this would cost?

  65. I like the first one, with purple flowers and baby breath. How much for that?

  66. Interested in making one for me? Contact me at kel.hoffman@gmail.com

  67. Hey I was glancing over some comments. I'm from NC so I'm not sure how much of a difference it is at other Michaels but we do now have a lot of new number and lettering in our wood department. Also the grapevine wreath is available. We have a variety of sizes and styles along with a hay wreath, wired wreath for mesh. Please check us out!
