Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Exciting News!

First, my apologies for being the world's WORST blogger. However, I do think I've had a reasoble excuse...and I hope you do too. :)

A few posts back I said I would be taking a hiatus while I waited for some big news to finalize and it is.....

I bought a house!! YAY!

So, this last week I've been painting and painting and painting....and have some more to do. I'll post those before and after pictures next week once I get all settled in. And hopefully all of this will lead to lots more fun craft and home decoration blog posts! But for now I've got to get my painting clothes back on and get back to work. Move in day is Friday so it all needs to be ready! Have a great week!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Sweetness

No, I don't have a mushy, gushy love story to write about, and that's ok. :) I'm just writing because my Valentine's Day was made great by my precious 4th graders. This class has it's challenges as they all do but they are about the sweetest little kids I've ever had the privilege of teaching. I love that each class is different and I love that there is something great to remember about all of them. I got so many nice little notes and hugs from my students today (not to mention candy and treats :) ) and it really made for a wonderful day. Lately I've  been trying to find the joy in teaching as it can be hard to do with all the "other" stuff (I'll save that for another post.) and today that was super easy! Love these kiddos and love that I got to love them back today!  Hope you're Valentine's was just as sweet and lovely! :D

P.S. Hopefully that big news will be coming tomorrow. :)