Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sweet Baby Clarke

If you remember about a month back, I took maternity pictures of my friends Laura and Doug which you can see on my blog here.  Well, sweet baby Clarke made her appearance on November 23, a week before she was expected. I have to wonder if this tells us a little about her personality. Her mother is a planner and she did not stick to the plan. (Love you Laura!) Regardless though, she is the most precious little thing and such a miracle. I got to take her pictures last week which was wonderful. Plus, it meant lots of baby loving time for me. :) Here are some of my favorites.


Isn't she just too cute for words! I love the Christmas ones and I think she makes the best Christmas decoration of all. :)

**If you need any pictures of you or your little ones let me know. I would love to take pictures for you.**

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well, I have finished my Christmas least for now. I never feel like it's completely done but I think I need to stop while I'm still ahead.

Here's my sweet little's not very big but I love having a set table, even if nobody actually ever eats there.

Ornament Christmas Tree Centerpiece: This was soooo easy to make and I adore it. All I did was wrap a styrofoam cone with tinsel, hot glued the ornaments and then added the bow. I realize the bow is a little large, but who doesn't love an overzied bow?!

 Table Setting 

Place Setting: Just a sweet little glass from my grandmother's, an ornament, and a sprig of holly from the bushes outside. I just added a little piece of cardstock paper to the ornament to write a name on. Guess I should have a little dinner party huh?

Front Door Wreath: This little bugger took a while to make, a TON of ornaments, and a TON of hot glue, but I think it turned out well. Again, I took a styrofoam wreath form and just hot glued on ornaments until it was all covered. The dining room is just off the front door so I wanted the two pieces to go well together and be a little "dressier" than I normally make things.

Card Holder Wreath: I've seen a few other versions of this kind of wreath lately and couldn't wait to make my own. The front isn't too exciting, just a few snowflake ornaments hooked onto an evergreen wreath. On the back however, I attached some small clothespins to hold Christmas cards. It's a great way to show off your cards, especially the photo ones that can't stand up on a mantel on their own.

And finally, my sweet little tree. It's nothing to extravagant but I love it and love that it holds all the ornaments that are special to me. And, yes, I know the bow is huge. ;)

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you are getting to enjoy this holiday season and decorating your own home. I would love to see what you all have done!